Blog Archive

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clubbing in Addis

Ethiopians are lovely people across the board! Super warm, friendly, welcoming and they loooove to dance. 

Helen and Asquad (the nieces of the head of ASC) wanted to take me out clubbing Saturday night…Addis style. Given my general love for dancing, I clearly agreed.
And clubbing, or "cultural night" as they call it here, involves wearing high interesting challenge through the rocky streets of Addis.

We started the night at the German Coffee House (their choice...not mine) followed by beer at a traditional restaurant which puts on a live performance. The night ended at another traditional Ethiopian restaurant where I re-learned how to dance Ethiopian style. The goal is to move your shoulders and neck, without moving the rest of your body. I took on the challenge and was stared down on the dance floor...but it could be that I stood out in more ways than one...

Cost of the entire night, including drinks for 5 people at 3 different locations and cab ride back home...$40
In case you're wondering..I'm the pale one...

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